Saturday, August 2, 2014

Two new books about adventure and learning to do something new

Whaley’s Big Adventure illustrated by Alexander Luke and presented by Carole P. Roman, author of the “If you were me and lived in…” series as well as the Captain No Beard series. Alexander is her 5 year old grandson. In this book, Whaley is a blue whale who is on an adventure to learn about the different types of whales in the ocean. With each whale he meets, information is given about that whale. For instance, orcas are the fastest in the sea. They can swim up to 30 mph. Humpback whales who are known for their songs. Beluga whales who are very friendly and playful. Other whales are introduced.

The story is very fun with great educational information. The illustrations are great and impressive for a 5 year old. I recommend this book as a great addition to any family’s or classroom’s library.

Second, I want to do yoga too by Carole P. Roman is the story of a little girl named Hallie who wants to do yoga like her mom. She goes to the gym’s play center while her mom is in yoga class. While she is there, Robin instructs Hallie to pretend to be a tree or an airplane or a snake. All the while Hallie is insisting on doing yoga. When Hallie’s mom picks her up, she explains that she was doing yoga and Hallie wants to do it again tomorrow.

The story is great fun as the Hallie learns how to do yoga. It’s a great story to introduce yoga to young children.

Whaley’s Big Adventure is available on Amazon for the Kindle $1.99 and in paperback $8.99

I want to do yoga too is available on Amazon for the Kindle for $0.99 and in paperback for $9.25

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