Friday, September 5, 2014

Football is finally here!!!

Ahh, my favorite time of year. School’s back in session. Fall is just around the corner and cooler weather (at least hopefully for me) is on its way. Football season is here!!!! My favorite team is the Kansas City Chiefs. Many people have asked me why and I don’t have a real answer. I picked them because I knew other people who were fans and I like their logo. However, I could have easily picked another team. I chose Kansas City and I will always cheer on Kansas City. The first football game was played on November 6, 1869 when the game resembled rugby. Rule changes in 1880 led to the game that we recognize today. My favorite reasons why I love football: the game itself, friendship among fans and the emotional investment.

First, the game itself. It’s a game filled with strategy like a game of chess. With all the pieces in place, will the play work? Will it catch the opponent off-guard or will they see right through the ploy? I cheering as the team makes a touchdown or another big play. I enjoying jeering at the teams for play mistakes. I also enjoy showing my disapproval for bad calls. All the teams battling for the opportunity to play in the big game: the Super Bowl.

Second, there is an immediate “friendship” among fans. My husband and I have been stopped by complete strangers to discuss our teams simply because we are wearing the same team jerseys. You go to a bar or a restaurant with the game on and the person next to you because your new friend because you are cheering for the same team. On the other hand, complete strangers will tease or taunt simply because you support their team’s rival. We take it all in stride. I say if you pick a team, support them to the end no matter how much you are teased or ridicule by other team’s fans.

Third, the emotional investment of the players helps their fans cheer in support as their team plays the game. You cheer when they cheer as they win the big game or you cry in disappoint with them when you lose. My sister, who is a San Francisco 49ers fan since the days of Joe Montana, once told me that she gets pumped up with the players’ passion for the game. My husband gets very involved in the game, yelling and screaming at the TV as if the players or the refs can hear him. Game day gets pretty intense at our house.

In conclusion, I love football. I love the strategy of the game. I love fans getting together and enjoying the game. I love the high I get when I watch an exciting game. It’s a great release of stress and energy. Its 16 weeks of high intensity games with 32 teams battling it out and leading up to the biggest game of the year! So, are you ready for some football?!?!? 

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