Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sam's Top Secret Journal Book 3 Memorial Day: a story of honesty

Sam’s Top Secret Journal Book 3 Memorial Day by Dr. Sean Adelman is the story of 14 year old Sam who has Down Syndrome. She writes in a secret journal about the events surrounding her family, friends and school.

Book 3 begins as Sam recites a poem she wrote honoring Memorial Day. While the majority of the student body applauded her effort, one troubled student tried to ruin her day. She brushes it aside and enjoys her accomplishment. Along with her family, dad, mom, older sister, Jenny and younger brother, John. Sam is going away for the Memorial Day weekend where they meet up with their cousins, Leanne, Madison, Brian and Bruce. Let the adventure begin! Soon, Madison begins to act like a bully and an important medal is missing from a vet’s collection. Sam is sure Madison has it but what can she do about it? Can she tell the adults? Would she be believed? Will the medal be found?

I normally don’t like reading books in the middle of a series because I feel I miss out on the introductory aspects of the characters. I chose it because I was interested in reading a book that features a main character with Down Syndrome. I loved that it didn’t matter if the main character had Down Syndrome, the life lessons are the same that any child should read and learn. The lesson of how hard it can be to do the right thing. The right thing is never easy but it feels better when you do. In the information which accompanied the book, Dr. Adelman wrote about the fears and worries which parents can have when raising a child with Down Syndrome. His goal for writing these books is that “our hope is to help keep those dreams alive for parents, kids and society.” A fictional character who can be model for any child with or without a disability that anyone can be extraordinary. I highly recommend this series for any family or classroom library.

Sam’s Top Secret Journal
Book 1 We Spy
Book 2 Sam’s Secret Island
Book 3 Memorial Day
Are available on Amazon
With Kindle Unlimited for free

And in paperback for $6.99

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