Monday, October 13, 2014

The Universe-sity: another self-help book of positive thinking

The Universe-ity: A Spiritual Education Using Law of Attraction by Michael Samuels is a how to be successful without education. He uses the terminology of school to illustrate the law of attraction. First, what is the law of attraction? Let me explain because Mr. Samuels does not explain it very clearly in his book. The law of attraction is simply positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative.

In his introduction, Mr. Samuels asks did we ever learn in school? Yes! I did. I loved school. I learned many life lessons from my teachers with the illustrations in literature and other subjects. I did attend college and I have two Bachelor’s degrees. While I am not making money from this education, I do not regret the knowledge that I have obtained. I use my education every day. I may not make money doing it, I still use it. Mr. Samuels makes the statement that “no one in school taught us about who we really are?” How can a teacher do that? I don’t understand. No one can teach me about me. I discover who I am through life experiences.

It seems to me that Mr. Samuels’ measure of success is money and material possession. His list of individuals who were successful without the benefit of a high school diploma, let alone, college is filled with actors and actresses, musicians. Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a wife and mother. I’ve been happily married for 5 years with a two year old daughter. I feel that I am successful. My husband and I have a wonderful relationship and my daughter is a healthy and happy toddler. Do I make money? No. Am I any less successful? No.

I feel the problem with many college students today is that the idea that a college degree with help you make a lot of money. While Bill Gates and Steve Jobs do not have college degrees, they have the innovation and drive to create something that the world has never seen before. You can’t teach innovation. You can encourage and you can inspire but you can’t teach someone to see a masterpiece among tubes of paint or electrical wires. Positive thinking will only take you so far, you must have drive, determination and perseverance. 

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