Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Jesus Storybook Bible: a great Bible for young readers

I found The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones while searching for a bible for my daughter. The idea is that “every story whispers his name.” Twenty-one Old Testament stories and 23 New Testament stories are featured from the Creation Story to Noah to Abraham to the gospels and the parables. It is recommended for preschool to 6th grade (ages 4-8 years old) readers. It is a great format to be read aloud or independently.

The opening chapter, “The Story and the Song” is a great introduction to who God is and what his Word is to us. The Bible is more than just rules or a guide to life. It is about God and who is he and what he has done for us. The stories are beautifully illustrated by Jago. The language is simplified for young readers. There are creative liberties to help illustrate the point of each story without being too complicated for young readers. A few people who have reviewed this bible had issues with the liberties; however, I find the Bible to be a great introduction to who God is, who Jesus is, without going over their head with philosophy and theology. I highly recommend the Jesus Storybook Bible.

The Jesus Storybook Bible
is available in multiple formats
at major booksellers

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