November 11th is Veterans Day, a day when we
honor and remember those who fought for our freedoms. The purpose of Veterans Day
is to honor America’s veterans for their service, patriotism and willingness to
serve and sacrifice for the common good of the American people. A fun fact that
I discover is the Marine Corps birthday is celebrated on November 10 (1775) and
since the birthday and Veterans Day are a day after one another, the Marine
Corps customarily observes both occasions with a 96 hour liberty period.

Veterans Day originated as Armistice Day to honor World War
I veterans. November 11th was chosen to remember the temporary cease
fire between the Allied Nations and Germany on the eleventh hour of the
eleventh day of the eleventh month. November 11, 1918 has been called the end
of World War I with the Treaty of Versailles officially ending the war on June
28, 1919. On the one year anniversary of the armistice, President Wilson
proclaimed November 11th as the first commemoration of Armistice
Day. Congress would make November 11th a legal holiday on May 13,
1938. By 1954, after World War II required the greatest mobilization of U.S.
armed forces and after Americans fought in Korea, the 83rd Congress
amended the Act of 1938 changing it from Armistice Day to Veterans Day, in
honor of veterans of all American wars. October 8, 1954, President Eisenhower
proclaimed the first Veterans Day.

There are many veterans in my life who served this country with
honor. I wish I could name you all, I want to focus on two veterans who means
the world to me and to my husband. First, my grandfather Ken Bedard. He was
born Charles Kenneth Bedard on March 11, 1922 in Boston, Massachusetts. After
the bombing of Pearl Harbor, he, along with many young men of his generation,
answered the call to serve. He joined the U.S. Navy and was assigned to the U.S.S.
Kitkun Bay (CVE 71). He served proudly until the end of the war when he left
the Navy, met and married my grandma Ruby and begin their lives together in
Southern California. Although he never openly talked about his experience in
the war, I knew that he held this country in high esteem and did not tolerate any
disrespect to the American flag or America’s service men and women.

Another veteran who is very important in my family is my
late father-in-law, Joe Y. Lara. Joe was born November 5, 1930 in Los Angeles,
California. He joined the U.S. Army after his father’s death in 1946 in order
to help support his siblings and would lie about his age in order to enlist. He
would be sent to Korea and would be a member of the airborne division. He would
serve ten years in the Army before returning home to Los Angeles. He would
teach his son the love of this country as well as respecting and honoring her
veterans. No matter where we are, if my husband sees a military uniform or
something that identifies the individual as a vet, he will take a moment to
thank them for their service. This habit I know he will teach our children.

In conclusion, our veterans are very important to us. They volunteer
to go to war around the world. They are away from family and friends, often missing life
moments that we take for granted all that we can enjoy our life with the
freedom that we have. Some veterans come back wounded. Many wounds we can see
and many wounds we cannot. On this Veterans Day and every day, if you see a veteran,
make an effort to say thanks because regardless of your opinions on war, they sacrificed
a lot to ensure your freedoms.
To all the veterans, we thank you for your service and