Bloodline by
Claudia Gray is a Star Wars story which takes place in the years leading up to
the events of Episode VII The Force
Awakens. Leia Organa Solo is now a senator in the New Republic which is in
trouble. The Senate is made up of two political parties. The Populists who want
to keep the power within the individual planets instead of in a central leader
and the Centrists who has a strong powerful leader to control the different
systems. And she wants to quit and join her husband on his space travels.
First, she needs to investigate accusations made by the representative from
Ryloth about criminal activity oppressing his people. She is joined by Senator Ransolm
Casterfo, a Centrists who collects memorabilia of the Empire. Leia soon
discovers that a larger criminal organization is at work who poses a threat to
the already weakening New Republic. Will she be able to gathering enough
evidence to convince the Senate to put aside their difference and act for the
good of the New Republic? Or will she be too late and watch the fragile
government fall apart?

I loved Bloodline!
It was exciting as well as nostalgic as Leia thinks back to events which occurred
in the original trilogy as well as people and events from the prequels. There
are so many twists and turns and clues as to the rise of the First Order who we
see in full force in The Force Awakens.
With the knowledge that I know of the movie and now reading the books, I
realized that many of the confusion on part of the fans have been because they
didn’t read the books. There is a whole list of books and tv series which help
give details about what happens between films. I highly recommend Bloodline and I will read the other
books and review those as well to see if my theory is correct.
is now available in
paperback and eBook
If you are interested in reading the books and watching the
tv series, here’s the list in which to read them and where they fit in the
timeline of the films.
Episode I The Phantom
Episode II Attack of
the Clones
The Clone
Wars (tv series 2008-2015 available on DVD and Blu-ray)
Disciple (book) by Christie Golden
Episode III The
Revenge of the Sith
Rogue One Story (book) by James Luceno
Lord of the
Sith (book) by Paul S. Kemp
(book) by James Luceno
(book) by Timothy Zahn
A New Dawn
(book) by Joan Jackson Miller and Dave Filoni
Rebels (tv
series 2014- seasons 1-3 are available on DVD and Blu-ray and the 4th
and final season is currently
airing on Disney XD)
Episode IV A New Hope
Inferno Squad (book) by Christie Golden
Heir to the
Jedi (book) by Kevin Hearne
Twilight Company (book) by Alexander Freed
Episode V The Empire
Strikes Back
Episode VI Return of
the Jedi
Aftermath (book) by Chuck Wendig
Life Debt (book) by Chuck Wendig
Empire’s End (book) by Chuck Wendig
Bloodline (book)
by Claudia Gray
(book) by Delilah S. Dawson
Canto Bight
(book) by Saladin Ahmed and Rae Carson
Episode VII The Force
Episode VIII The Last Jedi