Monday, December 21, 2020

Preparing Your Daughter for Womanhood: a great resource for moms, dads, and guardians

Parents usually worry about everything when it comes to their children. From basic care to discipline, parents are always worrying about doing the right thing. However, nothing scares parents more than “The Talk.” A thousand question swirling around their head. When do I open the conversation? How do I start? How much information to I tell them? How much information too much too soon? Preparing Your Daughter for Womanhood: A Guide for Moms by Robin Jones Gunn is a mentoring book which gets down to the heart level of the mother-daughter relationship as they move into the next stage of their lives: adolescence. Drawing from her own experience with her daughter, Rachel, as well as stories from other mothers and daughters, Ms. Jones Gunn provides inspiration for each mother to tailor this journey to each unique mother-daughter relationship. As she states, “You aren’t just having ‘the talk.’ You’re starting the conversation.” It is the moment to celebrate our daughters as they blossom into the women God created them to be.

I have been a fan of Robin Jones Gunn’s books since I was a teenager. I grew up many with many of her books including the Christy Miller series as well as the Sierra Jensen series. With two daughters myself, 8 and 2 years old, I knew that I wanted to have a different conversation than I had with my mom. So, I began preparing around my oldest daughter’s birthday. Researching the topic and trying to figure out the questions swirling in my head. When I heard that Ms. Jones Gunn was writing a book for moms on this very topic, I eagerly awaited it’s arrival. The book itself isn’t very long about 180 pages and a quick read but it is filled with ideas and inspiration to guide me and my daughters on this journey. It is not a strict how to, do A, B, C, it is a guide to help you tailor this journey to your daughter’s personality and interests. I highly recommend Preparing Your Daughter for Womanhood.


Preparing Your Daughter for Womanhood is available in paperback

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