Tuesday, February 16, 2016

When I grow up I want to be...A Good Person: a great book for children

The Wigu Publishing Company has released another great book for young readers. When I grow up I want to be…a Good Person is another great addition to this amazing series.

The story begins as Brendan and Blake are dragging their heels about going to a funeral with their parents. They grip and moan like kids do but their parents are insistent. They need to go and remember the kind and generous man, Mr. Becket. As the service begins, various people come up and tell stories about the kindness and generosity that Mr. Becket showed to his friends, his neighbors and his community. As the boys attend the reception after the services, they continued to hear stories about Mr. Becket and they realize that “being a good person is not just one single think but is the total of everything you do.” Brendan and Blake both decide that they want to be a good person too.

I’ve reviewed this series before and have enjoyed every title. This title is a topic that many children don’t hear about and don’t have examples of what it means to be a good person. This book will help open doors to conversation for both families and classrooms about what it means to be a good person. I highly recommend this book for every classroom and family library.

When I grow up I want to be…a Good Person
And the other titles in this series
Are available on
Amazon, Barnes and Nobles

And many other online book retailers. 

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