Wednesday, June 15, 2022

What We Carry: a hard look at life following a miscarriage

What We Carry by Kalyn Fogarty is a story of heartbreak, grief and finding a way back. Cassidy Morgan has always followed a carefully thought out plan for her life. Top education, check. Fulfilling career, check. Marriage to the love of her life, check! The next item would be to start a family, But when a late-term miscarriage throws her off her tracks, she finds herself questioning everything she knows about herself, her life and the world around her. Cassidy finds it difficult to move past her sense of guilt and shame, she shuts herself off from her husband, Owen, as well as the rest of the world. At the depth of her grief, she begins to see the areas of her life that aren’t so perfect. When she unexpectedly becomes pregnant again, joy and fear overwhelm her. Cassidy must decide if she will let her grief and fear hold her back from a future that is worth living for. 

As a woman who dealt with many miscarriages at various stages of pregnancy, there aren’t many books that truly get into the darkness that happens after a miscarriage. What We Carry is thought-provoking and eye opening for any one who has not experienced a pregnancy loss. Ms. Fogarty is deeply honest in her unflinching, no-holds-bar depiction of the fear, the pain and the grief that follows a miscarriage. The what ifs, the undeserving blame and questions of what went wrong are very real. I also appreciated Ms. Fogarty’s depiction of the well-meaning and yet not so helpful comments is so accurate. What We Carry is a heartfelt, tear-filled story. A journey of how grief and fear can turn into strength and courage. While every woman’s experience and journey is different, I feel that women who have gone through this journey can feel a connection with Cassidy and Owen as they find their way through the fog. I highly recommend What We Carry

What We Carry is available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook

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