Monday, September 30, 2024

The Fruit of the Spirit: what it means to live by the Spirit and produce the fruit

This month I studied the Fruit of the Spirit which I briefly touched on in a previous post a couple years ago. However, this time I wanted to study it in more depth. Writing to the Galatian church, Paul discusses what it means to live by the Spirit (Galatians 5:14-26). Simply put, living by the Spirit is simply resisting the desires of the sinful nature as they are in conflict (verse 16-17). The acts of a sinful nature are listed in verse 19-21, including sexual immorality (which I will do an in depth study at a later date), hatred, jealousy and fits of rage. In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (verses 22-23). We can see why our sinful natures would be in conflict with the Spirit. These are character traits found in the nature of Christ and as the Spirit grows in every believer, he or she will begin to exhibit the same Christ-like nature. 

Love is declared the greatest above all (1 Corinthians 13:13). To love others was commanded by Christ (Matthew 22-37-40, John 13:34-35). To love others is to help each other out in times of need or struggle. It doesn’t have to be monetary. It could be a phone call at 3 am. It could be answering a question for a stranger while at the store. Taking time out of your busy day, errands and schedule to help with a gracious heart. Essentially, as 1 Corinthians 16:14 says, “do everything in love.” Joy in a true believer is undeniable. It is that despite their struggles, despite their pain, they are joyfully seeking God’s guide, love and grace through their valleys as well as their mountain tops. Proverbs 17:22 says that “a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Sometimes it is hard to be joyful when life looks bleak; however, because we love Christ and believe in him, we are “filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy” (1 Peter 1:8). Peace is hard to imagine in this world as it seems we are always at odds with each other. But Christ tells that we will have trouble in this world but to take heart as he has conquered the world (John 16:33). We can claim the peace of Christ in the most troubled times as we know Jesus has already been victorious. 

Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate something without getting angry or upset. It is not rushing into a situation, into a relationship or a decision. Patience is something we all struggle with as we deal with frustration. Psalm 37:7 tells us to be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. It is following God’s plan and timetable rather than our own. Patience is not just waiting but having the right mindset and attitude while we wait. Kindness is showing mercy to others, generosity with our time and resources, and being sympathetic. It is being civil. Proverbs 11:17 tells us that kindness is a benefit to those receiving the kindness as well as the one giving it. Kindness has a boomerang effect. Give kindness and you will receive kindness (although we all know it’s not always from the same person). The kind person honors God by sharing his resources with others and in return, God will bless him. Goodness is working for the benefit of others and not just ourselves. In Greek, the word for goodness is agathosune which means “an uprightness of heart and life.” It is not done for recognition but to bring glory and honor to God who loves us. In Galatians 6:10, Paul writes, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” To return goodness with goodness and overcome evil with goodness. 

Faithfulness is consistently doing what one says he will do. It is keeping your promises. It is fulfilling your duties as a follower of Christ. Another divine characteristic of God as He does as He promises. Hebrews 10:23 says “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Faithfulness is being reliable and trustworthy. It is being steadfast until the very end. Despite our struggles. Despite the world coming in around us. Gentleness is tender, compassionate, tenderness and consideration. It means showing love and care for others in how you act and speak. It is to have a soft spirit or nature. Gentleness is also humility. Humility in reference to who God is and it is not self-hatred or to see yourself as unvalued but to think of yourself less. Proverbs 11:2 says, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Humility is seeing that apart from God, we can do nothing of worth (John 15:5). Self-control is the discipline to resist the sinful nature. Jesus perfectly demonstrates this disciple during his time in the desert. In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus is tempted by Satan and does not give in. Self control is also not rushing into a fight without a thought. It is to gather all the information before making a decision. “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls” (Proverbs 25:28). 

In conclusion, the word fruit is singular which highlights that these attributes are intertwined, growing in harmony with and interacting with each other. Living by the Spirit and bearing the Fruit of the Spirit is not something we can do on our own. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As each believer exhibits these behaviors, it can be viewed as the Spirit winning the conflict with our flesh (Galatians 5:17). The fruit of the Spirit are not something we can work on to achieve but flows naturally when we abide or walk in the Spirit. How do we do that? By prayer and studying His Word. “It is living moment by moment in dependency on Him, to listen for His Voice and be obedient to it” (Charles Stanley). Living by the Spirit and exhibiting the fruit is a daily activity. Some days we can be on point and others we will need help. But God is faithful to those who live by faith. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Their Perfect Melody: a sweet, fast paced romance

Their Perfect Melody is the third book in the Matched to Perfection series by Priscilla Oliveras. As the youngest sister, Lili Maria grew up affectionately known as the “wild child.” The life of the party where she loved to dance and sing. After the loss of her beloved parents, she discovered a caretaking side and became a victim’s advocate. During one call to a client, she meets Diego Reyes, a Chicago police officer, who lives to serve the people of his community. Lili finds herself drawn to him as he has a talent for playing classical Spanish guitar and has a passion for music she long forgot. As they bond over their shared desire to serve the community and their families, they find they have a lot in common as well as some different philosophies on life. Will Lili allow her once wild side to come out once again? Can they find a middle ground for their obvious attraction? 

I usually don’t like to read books out of order in a series. However, I received a copy of Their Perfect Melody and decided to take the chance. I loved this story. While there are some references to the previous two books, it was done in a way that readers do not need to know the events of those stories to enjoy Lili’s story. The story definitely focused on Lili and Diego. Their Perfect Melody is a sweet, fast paced romance with laughter and very touching moments. I loved Lili’s commitment to helping others out of bad situations and I loved Diego’s knight in shining armor mentality as he was quick to help when someone calls. Their romance was sweet and touchy. Overall, I loved this story and I am going to try and go back and read the first two books of the series. If you enjoy books about love, family and community, I recommend Their Perfect Melody

Their Perfect Melody is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Chosen: the book companion for the critically acclaimed television series.

The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name by Jerry B Jenkins is the first book in The Chosen series.  Based on the acclaimed and widely popular series, The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name features the stories of the men and women before and after their encounters with Jesus in the early days of his ministry. From the fishermen, Simon Peter and Andrew, to the demon possessed Mary of Magdala, to Nicodemus, the Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin, to Matthew, the tax-collector. Ordinary people, with everyday struggles and concerns, who will be radically changed with a simple encounter. The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name covers the first season of the series, The Chosen, which is currently in its fourth season. 

I won a copy of the book through another Christian author; however, I reluctantly put it aside. I waited for the right time and mindset. Recently, I picked it up. While the chapters are short, the language simplistic, The Chosen brought a side of these individuals’ stories that believers probably never really think about, especially just how hated Matthew really was as a tax collector. I was able to finish this book in one day. It was engaging and easy to follow. I was, then, more inclined to give the series a try. Overall, I enjoyed The Chosen. It is a great place to start, if you want to know Jesus’s life and ministry. Hopefully bringing more and more people to the gospels and belief in Jesus. 

The Chosen: I Have Called You By Name

 is available in hardcover, paperback and eBook

The series, The Chosen, can be viewed on various streaming platforms

Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Feather on the Water: a post-World War II novel

A Feather on the Water by Lindsay Jayne Ashford is the story of three women in postwar Germany. In 1945, as the world war ended, it was a time of hope for the lost and found as the world tries to rebuild. Three women from different regions of the world come to Germany to run a Displaced Persons (DP) camp. They long to rebuild the shattered lives the war had created, including their own. Martha comes to Germany to escape her violent marriage. Kitty arrives from England, hoping to find her parents who stayed behind in Germany. Delphine comes to Germany to escape the ghosts she left behind in Paris after the death of her husband and son. As the residents of the camp grow to more than two thousand, the three women rely on each other to endure the pain and devastation and give hope to the hopeless. Can they also find the strength to bring closure to the past and find a brighter future? 

In the genre of historical World War II fiction, the aftermath is rarely featured in a full length novel and it is usually left to a brief epilogue. It is why when I heard about A Feather on the Water, I jumped at the chance to read it. From the opening chapters, the story was very interesting and engaging as readers followed Martha, Kitty and Delphine from their various homes to the hard work of helping the displaced people who were liberated from the camps, forced from their own and left with nothing in the aftermath of war. The fear, the prejudice and the anger is very present as they try to come to terms with the events of the war. The only downfall was it had no urgency, no tension, no real conflicts other than trying to find the supplies needed to help these people. Overall, though, I did enjoy it. If you enjoy World War II history, I recommend A Feather on the Water

A Feather on the Water is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Friday, September 20, 2024

Walking on Sea Glass: a faith based romance with realism and emotion

Walking on Sea Glass by Julie Carobini is the first book in the Sea Glass Inn series. Liddy Buckle comes to work at a seaside resort after her marriage falls apart. The dream of starting fresh is set back by a sudden health issue. As she struggles to grapple with her diagnosis, she finds herself drawn to Beau Quinn. Beau has a wounded heart himself as he is still dealing with the death of his wife and the urging of his community to move on. As their relationship grows, Liddy struggles to trust herself and a man again and Beau must decide if he is ready to commit to a woman who faces a challenging diagnosis. While they struggle with their challenges, there is something going on behind the scenes at the Sea Glass Inn with late night deliveries and secret meetings. Will Liddy and Beau find the courage and faith to face the challenges in their paths? 

Walking on Sea Glass is my first book by Julie Carobini and is described as a book that “weaves a romantic story of courage, faith, and the power of true love.” I loved the faith aspect of this story as it is real, gritty, emotional and yet filled with hope. While Liddy was not my favorite character, I enjoyed the romance between Liddy and Beau as they are drawn together and yet not quite trusting their connection as their own wounds still run deep. That being said, there is a lot happening in this story that I felt bogged down the flow. From the after hours activities at the inn to the hit and miss attempts at other relationships, I feel a lot of it was not necessary to the central story of Liddy and Beau. Overall, I enjoyed Walking on Sea Glass. If you enjoy faith based romance with realism and emotion, I recommend Walking on Sea Glass

Walking on Sea Glass is paperback, eBook and audiobook

Thursday, September 19, 2024

His Pledge to Honor: a marriage of convenience romance

His Pledge to Honor by Shanae Johnson is the first book in The Silver Star Ranch series. Scout Silver works to rehabilitate the most wounded horses. As the daughter of a general, she knows how to give orders. She, along with her half sisters, runs a rehabilitation ranch where the horses thrive and find a new life. Her absentee father’s many divorces created a jumbled family tree. The sisters’ love for the ranch have held them together; however; their father’s last will contains a clause that threatens to ruin everything. General Abraham Silver was the leader of an elite group of soldiers, he jokingly nicknamed “President’s Men.” He asks these men to make sure his daughters are taken care of and Lincoln Rawlings sets out to make good on his word. When Linc arrives at the ranch, he immediately is drawn to Scout, the eldest daughter. Both with their own scars and wounds, can Linc and Scout find love healing? 

His Pledge to Honor opens a series of marriages of convenience and lasting love romance. Featuring Wounded Warriors who find healing with love. All sounds great and I was looking forward to reading this book. The first chapter where we are introduced to Scout and her half sisters was very confusing and headache inducing. I had to take notes on the family tree as each sister was introduced. And the sisters’ names!?!?! I know their father was a military man but jeez louise! I enjoyed the introduction of Linc and the rest of the President’s Men and their arrival at the ranch was great. My heart broke for these men and the wounds they are still recovering from. However, something felt off about the story. Overall, this story was okay, fairly enjoyable, but I most likely will not be continuing the series. If you enjoy marriage of convenience romance with wounded warriors, I recommend checking out His Pledge to Honor

His Pledge to Honor is available in paperback and eBook

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Daydream: a slow burn friends to lovers romance

Daydream by Hannah Grace is the third book in the Maple Hills series. Henry Turner has been the little brother of the Maple Hills University group of friends. When his procrastination lands him in a difficult class with an equally difficult professor, Henry knows he has to put in extra work to just survive his junior year. Also as the new captain of the hockey team, a position he didn’t want, Henry knows he cannot fail. He meets Halle Jacobs when he crashes her book club at a local bookstore. A fellow junior with her own issues and struggles knows she can help Henry pass his class. When Henry learns that she is trying to write a book for a competition, he offers to help her in return. To help give her new experiences to inspire her and beat her writer’s block. As they set a few rules and promise to stick to their rules. But rules are meant to be broken, right?

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Maple Hills series. And I eagerly looked forward to Daydream. This story was different from the first two books, in a good way. Daydream is a slow burn, friends to lovers romance story. Henry and Halle are sweet with each other and watching them grow together was amazing. I loved Henry as he helped Halle break from her shell and insecurities to stand up for herself and establish a few boundaries. I loved Halle as she encouraged Henry on his own personal challenges. This book is not as spicy as the first two books which was refreshing as I enjoyed their emotional journey together and not just their sexual one. There were many touching moments between Henry, Halle and their cast of friends and supporters. There were moments of laughter and it felt as if I was in the room with this group of friends. I look forward to future books in this series. I highly recommend Daydream

Daydream is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Dark Hour: a dark thriller

The Dark Hour by KJ Young is a dark thriller. Mark Norman is desperate for a job. With bills and debts piling up, he takes a job as a live-in home health aide for Roy and Alma Walgrave, two wealthy elderly siblings. Living in the Alden Manor, a run-down mansion, the Walgraves are former stage magicians. While they give off eerie vibes, making strange requests of their employees, Mark ignores it all as they are wealthy and careless with their money. As he makes himself essential to the Walgraves, Mark finds himself dreaming of inheriting their fortunes. Despite warnings of evil, Mark ignores it all. Until odd and unsettling things begin to happen. He is terrified that he is losing his mind or even his life. But can he walk away when the possibility of a big financial windfall might be coming his way? 

I was looking forward to a good thriller. An eerie old house and warnings from a creepy stranger definitely sets the mood. What I got was a not-so-thrilling story as it reminded me too much of the film The Skeleton Key (2005). Mark is immediately unlikable and annoying and left me uncaring if he escaped this twisted web he found himself in. As the job offer comes to him, Mark thinks that luck is finally on his side. Even as he begins to suspect his job was too good to be true, his greed keeps him there. And the extent of the web he finds himself in was too convenient and left me wondering if I missed details that would link all the players. If you are a fan of dark thrillers, you may enjoy it. However, I do not recommend The Dark Hour

The Dark Hour is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Changing Roles: a romantic comedy a la Notting Hill

Changing Roles by Melanie Moreland is a friends to lovers romance with a Hollywood twist. Liam Wright is Hollywood’s golden boy and at the top of the A-list but something is missing. He doesn’t know much about life. He thanks his lucky stars for Shelby Carter. Part confidant, part master chef, she is his best friend and the only person who truly gets to see the real Liam. Reeling from her own painful past, Shelby enjoys Liam and his puzzling antics. A very handsome man, Liam is pampered and his antics keep Shelby on her toes. One day, Liam begins to see her as more than an employee and a friend. And he wants her to see him as more than the Hollywood golden boy. Can he truly be the man she needs? Is he up for the greatest role of his life? 

Changing Roles is a celebrity/non-celebrity romance a la Music & Lyrics (2005) and Notting Hill (1999). I know that Notting Hill is considered a romantic comedy classic; but I am not a fan of either movie. If I had known that this book could be compared with these movies, I would have passed on it. I was bored. I did not care for Liam. He is a 28 year old manchild who has no clue about the real world and Shelby, a 33 year old, older woman who was going to teach him. Their relationship is weird from the get-go as he is the employer and she is the employee and yet she wears his shirts and can’t sleep when he is not home? It was weird. If you are a fan of Music & Lyrics and Notting Hill, you may enjoy Changing Roles

Changing Roles is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Exes and Goals: a hockey romance

Exes and Goals by Heather C Myers is the first book in the Slapshot series. The Newport Beach Seagulls hockey team has had an abysmal previous season. With the murder of their founder and owner and a few scandals involving the players, the team needs some help. Seraphina Hanson, the new owner and manager, is making drastic changes. From new talent and coaches, she also hires a team blogger. Harper Crawford is a big fan of the team and is looking forward to writing character pieces, team critiques and game summaries. It is her dream job. Her first piece is an article on the new first line center, Zachary Ryan. Tall, dark and handsome, Zachary is arrogant, direct and has a troubled past. There is an instant attraction between the two and as their relationship heats up, an ex-boyfriend from Harper’s past, isn’t happy she has moved on, is back to cause trouble.  

I enjoy sports romance, especially football and hockey, although I am not a regular hockey fan. I looked forward to Exes and Goals. From the opening chapter to the closing page, I was a bit confused. The romance between Harper and Zachary is hot and romantic (eventually). The issues with the ex were more annoying than troublesome. The murder of the team’s owner and founder is mentioned often and I expected a resolution or at least some details into the murder investigation. Perhaps the author is waiting to resolve the murder within other books in the series. I, however, will not be reading further to find out. Overall, it’s a fairly short read. The romance was hot but the rest of the story was disappointing. I also expected more details into the team, the other players and seeing them play more on the ice. I do not recommend Exes and Goals

Exes and Goals is available in paperback and eBook

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My Sister's Boyfriend: twists and turns in the aftermath of My Sister's Husband

My Sister’s Boyfriend by Nicola Marsh is a follow up to My Sister’s Husband (2020). In the aftermath of My Sister’s Husband, sisters Lizzie and Brooke have a strained relationship but remain civil for the sake of Hope, their daughter and niece, and their Aunt Alice. They seem to be on a path to a better relationship when Brooke brings home her new boyfriend. There is something off about Noel Harwood, something Lizzie can’t quite vocalize. However, she knows her sister’s life is in danger. Behind the handsome face and a dazzling smile, there is a sinister gleam in his eyes. She wants to protect her; but she knows her warnings would fall on deaf ears. Lizzie needs to be smart and out maneuver Noel. She doesn’t know what his end game is, but he has no idea how far Lizzie will go to protect her family. She nearly lost Brooke once. She can’t lose her now. 

After reading the thrilling story of My Sister’s Husband, I was stoked to hear that Ms Marsh was writing a follow up. I started reading My Sister’s Boyfriend with great anticipation. I should have reread My Sister’s Husband as details were discussed in My Sister’s Boyfriend that had me a little confused but I quickly remembered. On a side note, if you haven’t read My Sister’s Husband, I highly recommend reading it. Not only is it an awesome story; but you will need to know the family history to follow My Sister’s Boyfriend. While it is not my experience with the drama between sisters, Lizzie and Brooke are two women with a lot of emotional baggage and past hurts to overcome. There were a few twists that I was able to predict; however, Noel’s true motive and his end game was a shocking reveal. Once the story hit high gear, it took off and would not stop. I highly recommend My Sister’s Boyfriend

My Sister’s Boyfriend is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

My Sister’s Husband is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Friday, September 6, 2024

Shadow Game: a faith based suspense thriller with a hint of romance

Shadow Game is the first book of the Shadow Alliance series by Shawna Coleing. Morgan Caine spent three years in prison for a computer crime she didn’t commit. Now that she has been exonerated, she is trying to rebuild her life. However, she takes a gamble and hacks into a computer network and stumbles across an assassination plot. Unable to sit back and let a man die, despite the possible risks of exposure, she seeks out the man in question. Oliver Wright is intrigued by this young woman who claims to have found a plot to kill him. As he investigates the plot, they become trapped in a conspiracy with time running out. Now Morgan finds her putting faith into a God she doesn’t trust and discovers what she and Oliver are willing to sacrifice to save both their lives. 

I was intrigued by a faith based suspense thriller when I picked up Shadow Game. I immediately liked Morgan as a wrongfully convicted woman and yet not so innocent as she has hacking skills. Oliver is a man of faith while the people who work for him are not, which added an element of realism. The story gets to the assassination plot fairly quickly; however, the suspense didn’t really kick in toward the final third of the book. The romance between Morgan and Oliver wasn’t overly done and took a backseat to the assassination plot line. The answer as to who was behind the plot was a surprise and yet, looking back, made a lot of sense. I really liked the realness of Christianity and faith portrayed in the story. Overall, the story was enjoyable. If you enjoy faith based suspense with a small hint of romance, I recommend Shadow Game

Shadow Game is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Island Refuge: a clean romance

Island Refuge is the first book in the Wildflower B&B series by Kimberly Rose Johnson. Zoe Griffin walked away from her dream job as a five-star chef and retreated to the tiny island in the Puget Sound. Now working as a cook and maid at the rundown bed-and-breakfast, she begins to feel at home Dr Nick Jackson is done with medicine and decides that owning and running the B&B is just what he needs but his new employee is giving him plenty of doubts. But as Zoe begins to let down her defense, Nick sees a competent, caring and yet deeply wound woman. As they begin to fall for each other, they both learn the hardest lesson of all. Can they find a way to forgive, heal the past and move forward with a future together? 

Island Refuge is a clean romance with a hint of Christian faith. I say a hint because it didn’t read like a faith based romance until suddenly it was. It seemed to come out of nowhere as if the author suddenly remembered she needed to add the characters' faith. And the faith was a little more fluffy than I would have liked. However, I liked Zoe as a woman searching for a fresh start, a place to hide and lick her wounds. Nick was a harder character to like as he was a bit more hardened. However, as the two grew to know each other and their wounds revealed, it was great to see them together. Overall, I enjoyed the book. It was a quick read for a lazy afternoon. If you enjoy clean romances, I recommend Island Refuge

Island Refuge is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Summer with the Marine: a short but sweet second chance romance

Summer with the Marine by Ellie Hall is the first book in the Blue Bay Beach series. Eisley Higgins needs a fresh start. She moves to her mom’s cottage in the retirement community in the coastal town of Blue Bay Beach. With a new job for a local restaurant, she is tricked into asking out the first male customer. With a twist of fate, she comes face to face with the one who broke her heart. Ford Armstrong spent the last ten years serving his country with the Marines. Now, he finds himself a civilian and a single dad to a two year old daughter. The last thing he expected to see is the one who got away. Despite the decade apart, they realize their secret feelings were still there. Will they reveal their true feelings and create a future together? 

A clean, sweet and wholesome romance, Summer with the Marine is a fast paced, short but sweet story. I was able to read it in an afternoon. A friends to lovers romance, Eisley and Ford were childhood friends who secretly fell in love with each other. As life took them on different paths, fate or kismet, brings them to the same small town as they both at a crossroads in their lives. I enjoyed their romance as they reconnect and confess their feelings. I would have liked to see more of Eisley’s new friends from the restaurant, I suppose we will in the rest of the series. Overall, I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more stories in this series. If you enjoy small town, second chance romance, I recommend Summer with the Marine

Summer with the Marine is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Monday, September 2, 2024

Make You Mine: a steamy forbidden, second chance romance

Make You Mine by Tia Louise is the first book in the Believe in Love series. Grayson “Gray” Cole and Andrea “Drew” Harris have been drawn together since he rescued her from a snake as a child and later comforted her when her mother passed away. Despite disapproval from her father and being her brother, Danny’s best friend, Gray was all of her firsts as they stole moments together. As he prepares to ship out with Danny to the Marines, he makes her a promise. When tragedy strikes, leaving Gray badly injured and her brother killed in action. Drew must find a way to pick up the pieces. Four years later, Gray returns to their small town and finds that Drew is no longer the teenage girl he left behind but a gorgeous woman. Filled with regret and guilt, he knows he needs to stay away from her but something draws him to her. 

Mine You Mine has everything: brother’s best friend, a forbidden love, military, small town, second chance romance with redemption, finding yourself and home. It is a sweet, spicy romance with a happily ever after that I could not put down. I loved Gray as he tried to rebuild his life and be worthy of Drew. I loved Drew who loved Gray before and loves him still. There was no one else for her. When they can no longer deny that their connection was still there, the sparks flew like the Fourth of July. I loved their supporting characters, especially Drew’s best friend, Ruby. I do hope she gets her own romance in this series. Even the characters who tried to throw monkey wrenches into their romance were great characters to hate. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and I look forward to the other books. I highly recommend Make You Mine

Make You Mine is available in paperback and eBook