Friday, March 7, 2025

Chasing Tornadoes: a clean Christian romance with a mission trip and disasters

Chasing Tornadoes by Sherry Chamblee is a clean Christian romance. Jessica Kimball needs one more adult to accompany the youth group on a church planting mission trip to northern California. The only person she hasn’t approached about the trip is Charlie Cummings. Even though they have known each other for their entire lives, something about him keeps her from asking him. Is it because he is so quiet? Severe? Or maybe he just doesn’t like her? Eventually, she has no choice but to ask him and to her surprise, he readily agrees. Little does Jessica know, but Charlie does like her. Not just like her but has been trying to drum up the courage to ask her out. Could this mission trip be the open door he needs to let his feelings known? Or will unforeseen disasters drive a further distance between them? 

Chasing Tornadoes is a short novella but packed with questions of faith and taking a chance on love. The characters are members of the Mennonite church, which I wasn’t familiar with, so I had to do a quick google search to familiar myself with the basics of their beliefs, customs and culture. Mennonites originate from the 16th century Anabaptist movement. They are known for their pacifism and community service. The story was an easy, fast paced read from the opening chapter to the closing page. I enjoyed the characters of Jessica and Charlie as well as their supporting characters. The drama and action were engaging and interesting. I loved the message of faith and trust in God in all moments and areas of our lives. Overall, I enjoyed the story. If you enjoy clean Christian romance, I recommend Chasing Tornadoes

Chasing Tornadoes is available in paperback and eBook

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Playing for Keeps: a hockey, brother's best friend, forbidden romance

Playing for Keeps is the first book in the Hot Jocks series by Kendall Ryan. Justin Brady is a pro hockey athlete who can have any woman he wants and the one he wants is off limits. Elise Parrish is the younger sibling to Justin’s best friend and teammate, Owen. For the most part, their relationship has been flirtatious at a distance. However, when the team wins the championship, their flirting turns physical. As they try to move on as if nothing happened, they soon realize that it is easier said than done. Justin realizes that he wants more from Elise than a one night stand. He is playing for keeps. All he needs to do is convince Elise to take a chance on him. 

Playing for Keeps is a cute, sweet and spicy read. It was fast and engaging. However, while I was reading, I had a nagging feeling that I’ve read this story before but I had no record of reading this particular title. Maybe it was the combination of a hockey player and his teammate’s younger sister? Anyway, despite this feeling, I loved this story. Justin was a super sweet boyfriend as he was sensitive, comforting and protective. There were moments filled with laughs, smiles and sighs. I look forward to reading the rest of the series. If you enjoy hockey romances and need a sweet and fun story for a weekend read, I highly recommend Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

One Good Thing: a World War II story of friendship, hope, courage and the fight to survive

One Good Thing by Georgia Hunter is a World War II story of hardship, hope, courage and resilience. Lili has been friends with Esti since meeting at university. When Esti’s son, Theo, is born, they become as close as sisters. As the war rages in Germany and France, Lili and Esti must deal with Mussolini’s Racial Laws, and while difficult, life seemingly goes on as usual. Until Germany invades northern Italy and life becomes much more dangerous. At first, they flee to a countryside villa to help hide Jewish orphans. Then fleeing to Florence, finding in a convent as nuns and becoming a part of the Underground network of forgers and couriers. When Esti can no longer protect Theo, she asks Lili to take her son and protect him. Now Lili finds herself on a journey through Allied territory, Nazi-occupied villages and finding ways to survive, not only for herself, but for a promise she made to her best friend. 

World War II still fuels amazing stories eighty years after it ended. While most stories take place in France or Germany, I find it very refreshing that authors are finding stories to tell from other areas of the world. One Good Thing is an engaging story from start to finish. I loved the character of Lili. Lili is the worrier at the beginning and while she is filled with doubt at every turn, but her determination to fulfil her promise to Esti, she finds the courage and strength to keep moving forward. I also loved the character development of Esti from a skeptic to a fully committed to the underground resistance. I loved the sister-friendship between Lili and Esti. One Good Thing is a great story of how the love for another person is a reason to keep going despite the darkness and hopelessness. If you love stories of friendship, motherhood and survival, I highly recommend One Good Thing

One Good Thing will be available March 4, 2025 in hardcover, eBook and audiobook

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Housemaid: one never knows what goes on behind closed doors

The Housemaid is the first book in The Housemaid series by Freida McFadden. Millie Calloway has a past and she is looking to move on with her life; however, she needs a job. She couldn’t believe her luck when she was hired by Nina Winchester as a maid which included a living space. As she cleans their beautiful house from top to bottom, does their laundry, runs their errands and even cooks their meals, Millie realizes that the Winchesters have dark secrets of their own. When Nina begins to act erratically, Millie tries to ignore it; but she notices that Andrew, Nina’s husband, seems to be more and more saddened and broken by his wife’s behavior. One day, she realizes that the lock on her attic bedroom only locks from the outside, she realizes she has walked into a sinister trap. However, the Winchesters don’t know who she really is and what she is capable of. Can she escape before it is too late? 

Freida McFadden has been all over BookTok and social media for years with some readers avidly raving about her books and others not so much. I read one of her newest titles, Never Lie last year and I wasn’t really impressed. However, I decided to give The Housemaid a chance as it is her most talked about book. The story starts off slow as Millie enters the Winchester home and finds her footing. However, once Nina starts to act peculiar, the story gets on the fast track. There were a lot of twists and turns that I never guessed the true motives and even the end events were shocking! It is definitely a story where readers don’t really know who they can trust and will leave jaws on the floor as the twists are revealed. The Housemaid was definitely a better read than Never Lie and I may give her books a try in the future. If you enjoy psychological thrillers, you may enjoy The Housemaid

The Housemaid is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Andrew: a disciple eager to bring people to Jesus

Andrew is the brother of Simon Peter and very little is known about him. He was a fisherman with his brother. He was called by Jesus to follow him. Despite being an early follower of Jesus, Andrew is only mentioned by name twelve times and four of those are in the list of the disciples. In Catholicism, Andrew is the patron saint of fishermen, singers and the patron saint for the countries of Scotland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, and Patras. Tradition holds that Andrew died by crucifixion around 60 AD and he didn’t seem himself worthy to die as Jesus did. He was bound, not nailed, to a X and not a T. This is what the Saint Andrew’s Cross flag is an X. Who was Andrew? What is special about him? And what is the key lesson we can take from Andrew? 

Andrew was a special man. He seems to be the opposite of his brother. As Simon was rash and impulsive, Andrew might have been quiet and reflective. The gospels do not record much of Andrew’s words, mostly likely because he didn’t have much to say. He may have been more focused on listening and learning. He could be seen as the silent partner but still essential; in building the church and bringing people to Jesus. Andrew accepted John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus and told his brother and friends about it (John 1:35-42). He was one of the men that Jesus would say he would be a fisher of men. When the large crowd needed to be fed, Andrew brought forward the boy with the five small barley loaves and two small fish (John 6:8-9). Even when he questioned how such a small amount would feed the large crowd, he still brought it to Jesus’s attention. 

Andrew was eager to bring people to Jesus. When he heard John the Baptist call Jesus the Lamb of God, he immediately ran to tell his brother (John 1:35-42). Andrew was first a disciple of John the Baptist. He knew without question that Jesus was the Messiah. I can imagine a very excited Andrew rushing to tell Simon and even may have been a bit incoherent in his excitement. Think about it. Remember a time when you were so excited to tell someone good or exciting news that the words just flowed out and you had to be told to take a deep breath and slow down? That is how I imagine Andrew as he rushed to inform Simon about Jesus. He, along with Philip, informed Jesus that a few Greeks wanted to speak with him (John 12:20-22). In verse 22, Andrew and Philip told Jesus about the Greeks request to see Jesus. They didn’t question if they deserved to even ask, as some of the other disciples may have, because they were Greeks. I think at this point, Andrew had seen Jesus preach to, heal and forgive so many people, Jews and Gentiles alike, that he knew Jesus was here for all who seek him.

 That is the key lesson from Andrew’s life is Christians are to be willing to tell other people about Jesus. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus calls us to make disciples of all nations. Talking to others about Jesus can come easily to some and for others, it is a daunting task. Some people can easily talk with just about anyone and others speak more easily with people they know/ Simon Peter was most likely an extroverted person who could easily preach and outreach among large crowds as recorded in Acts. This thought of speaking like this to an introverted person, like myself, makes them feel anxiety. It is important to draw on your strengths. If you are great at speaking to large crowds, that’s great. You can do that to talk about Jesus to others. If you are better at one-on-one personal, intimate conversations, you can still talk to others about Jesus. The size of the crowd is not the requirement. 

In conclusion, while information about Andrew is limited, what we do know is amazing. Considering he was not in the forefront as his brother, Andrew may have more reserved, humble, and patience with the willingness to listen and learn. He is an example of enthusiasm and passion for Jesus and His message. He did not delay in his belief in Jesus and he demonstrated great faith and confidence. When he heard the good news of Jesus, he could not contain himself and told his brother. He also left his entire life to follow Jesus and continued to follow him even when he saw what it meant to truly follow him. He served Jesus in any way he could, including bringing people who wanted to know Jesus more. This attitude speaks volumes as much as a fiery speech or sermon. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Lost Passenger: a fateful trip turns into one woman's chance for freedom

The Lost Passenger by Frances Quinn is one woman’s journey to start a new life with her son after they survive the Titanic disaster. Elinor Hayward couldn’t believe her luck when Frederick Coombes, the future heir of the Storton title, wanted her to be his wife. Swept away by the fairy tale, she quickly realizes that the family only wanted her father’s hard earned wealth. Trapped and feeling suffocated by the rigid social rules, she finds herself looking at a long and lonely future. However, when her father presents her with tickets for the maiden voyage of the Titanic, Elinor sees it as a welcome reprieve. When the ship goes down, Elinor takes the opportunity to change their names and start a new life. Penniless and using another woman’s name, she must learn to survive in the harsh new world of New York City and hope that her secret stays safely hidden. 

The story of Titanic and its disastrous maiden voyage has been a fascination of mine since high school. When the opportunity to read The Lost Passenger came up, I jumped at the chance. By coincidence, I had finished watching the 1997 movie, Titanic, before starting this book, so the disaster was fresh in my mind. Elinor is a young woman who was raised by a widowed father to be independent and resourceful. Filled with the romantic notions from her favorite novels, she is unprepared for the cold and oppressive nature of the English aristocracy. When her trip on the Titanic presents an opportunity for freedom, she truly breathes for the first time. The Lost Passenger is filled with drama as Elinor fights to live a new life, a life on her own terms. It is a story of fighting against adversity and finding hope after a great loss. I highly recommend The Lost Passenger

The Lost Passenger is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Secret History of Audrey James: finding the strength for today through the hardships of the past

The Secret History of Audrey James by Heather Marshall is a dual timeline story from World War II Germany and Northern England decades later. After a tragic accident has left her floundering, Kate Mercer leaves London to work at an old guest house near the Scottish border. After she arrives, she begins to unravel her past and she discovers her new boss also has secrets from the past of her own. In 1938 Berlin, Audrey James has been living with her best friend, Ilse Kaplan and her family, while she studies at a local prestigious music school. When Ilse’s family disappears and Nazis take over the house, Audrey is forced to become their housekeeper as Ilse hides in the attic. She soon finds herself in an anti-Hitler movement. Can she protect those she loves or must she sacrifice everything to do her part to end the war? 

The Secret History Audrey James was inspired by the true stories of courageous women who did their part in the German resistance during World War II. Audrey’s story could have been a standalone story and been captivating and the tie-in with Kate was a bit unnecessary. Unfortunately, World War II resistance stories, while interesting, are starting to blur together that I feel like I’ve read this before. However, I read this story for “the unbreakable bonds of friendship, the sacrifices we make for those we love, and the healing that comes from human connection.” The Secret History of Audrey James delivers on that; however, there was so much going on that the story started to get bogged down and I was getting bored. Overall, the story started off well; but did not end there. If you enjoy World War II resistance stories, I recommend The Secret History of Audrey James

The Secret History of Audrey James will be available on February 25, 2025

In paperback, eBook and audiobook. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Shatter Me: a young adult dystopian novel with suspense and a bit of romance

Shatter Me is the first book in the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi. Juliette is cursed. She cannot touch anyone. Her touch is lethal. When she accidentally touches someone, she is locked up in prison for murder by the Reestablishment, a government in power. No one knows why she has such a lethal touch. For 264 days, she is alone in her prison cell because she is a monster and the world is falling apart. However, when the whispers of war and resistance become too loud to ignore, the Reestablishment decides that Juliette will become their weapon to keep the people in line. They placed Adam in her cell and they learned something interesting that sets a chain of events in motion that changes the course of her life. Juliette must decide if she will become their weapon or fight back and become a warrior against those who imprisoned her.

Shatter Me is a young adult dystopian novel with great suspense and world building. I usually don’t read dystopian novels and I have heard good and bad reviews on Shatter Me. There is a small bit of romance and plenty of action. I enjoyed Juliette as she tries to deal with the isolation and struggles to find her place in the new world around her. The printing style is interesting and unique. It is not an earth shattering, mind blowing type of story. It was an engaging read and the story flowed fairly easily. I look forward to the rest of the series. However, this story is not for everyone. If you are looking for a story with a lot of depth, Shatter Me may not be the story for you. However, if you enjoy engaging dystopian stories, you may enjoy this story. I recommend Shatter Me

Shatter Me is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

What a Bride Wants: can a joking want ad lead to a forever love?

What a Bride Wants is the first book in The Great Wedding Giveaway series by Kelly Hunter. Ella Grace Emerson adores her widowed father, but he keeps hounding her about marriage and sets her up with any and every eligible man. The final straw was when he put an ad in the local paper on her behalf. An ad for a docile house-husband. In retaliation, Ella puts an ad out of her own called for the perfect lover. Cam Sawyer is a newcomer to Marietta, Montana and he is perfectly willing and able to be the lover Ella wants. However, what she needs is a strong and loving partner and Sawyer is running from a past he wants to hide. Will he stop running and be the man she wants and needs? 

The title is a little misleading as Ella has no intention of getting married and is doing everything she can to persuade her father to drop the matter. This story is fairly short, a novella really and I felt the story was very rushed. I would have liked more of a slower burn. I didn’t care for Ella and Sawyer was okay but the reason why he was running was a bit of a let down. The “monkey wrench” in their relationship didn’t quite fit either. The Great Wedding Giveaway is an anthology series in which each title is written by a different author. I usually enjoy these types of series; however, What a Bride Wants wasn’t a great start that I am unsure if I will continue this series. Overall, I did not enjoy What a Bride Wants

What a Bride Wants is available in paperback and eBook. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Say You Remember Me: could a fake engagement turn into a real relationship?

Say You Remember Me is the second book of the Kings of Eden Falls series by Judy Corry. Maddie Stevens thought a harmless spontaneous kiss with a gorgeous stranger would be simply an impulsive act. However, when she arrives for her first day at a new job as an executive assistant, she is shocked to learn that the man she kissed is none other than her new boss, Ian Hastings. Ian is captivated by Maddie as her simple kiss ignited a spark in him that he thought was far gone. However, he is determined to keep their relationship professional going forward. When they attend a business conference together, Ian comes face to face with an ex-fiancée, he panics and asks Maddie for an unusual favor: a fake engagement. It doesn’t take long before their fake romance starts to feel very, very real. When their fake engagement reaches beyond the conference, will they be willing to risk everything for the chance to make this fake relationship real? 

The Kings of Eden Falls brings Judy Corry’s Eden Falls Academy and Ridgewater High Romance series together into a great new series. While I haven’t finished either series yet, it was great to see the characters pop in. I also have not read the first book in The Kings of Eden Falls series, and yet, I was able to enjoy Say You Remember Me. Any references to the previous series is subtle and does not take away from enjoying Say You Remember Me. It is a slow-burn romance with great tension and sweet moments between Ian and Maddie. There are moments of laughter especially with Maddie and her friends and Ian and his friends. There is a bit of drama and scandal that tests Ian and Maddie and asks the question “will they make their fake relationship real?” I look forward to future books in this series as well as going back and reading the books in the previous series. I highly recommend Say You Remember Me

Say You Remember Me is available in paperback and eBook

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Second Chance Sweethearts: a short but sweet and powerful novella

Second Chance Sweethearts by Liwen Y Ho is a novella about two high school sweethearts finding a chance for love. When Missy Clark left her small town of Sun Valley, Texas, she left her first love behind. Five years later, she returns, battered, bruised and harboring a secret that will tarnish her reputation in the small town. Nate Dawson never stopped loving Missy, praying she would return to him. Now that she is back, he sees his prayers as being answered. However, he doesn’t realize that she hides a secret that hinders their reconnection. Nate is determined to show Missy she is worthy of love, despite her mistakes. Can he help her realize that he is willing and able to stand by her side? Can they find hope and healing for their future in the Lord?

Second Chance Sweethearts is a novella, short but very sweet and packed with love, the power of forgiveness and love with the Lord. It is a quick read as I was pulled into Missy and Nate’s story. Missy feels like damaged goods, coming back to her small town a failure. However, she doesn’t realize that one man has been praying for her return. Nate is a true sweetheart who sees the girl he fell in love with in the woman before him. Ms. Ho packs a lot in such a short story. The character development is wonderful. My heart broke for Missy from the first page and I cheered for them as they reconnected. If you are looking for a wonderful story of love and forgiveness for a quiet afternoon of reading, I highly recommend Second Chance Sweethearts

Second Chance Sweethearts is available in eBook. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Chasing China A Daughter's Quest for the Truth: a search into the past and one's roots

Chasing China: A Daughter’s Quest for Truth by Kay Bratt is one woman’s determination to discover her roots. Mia left China as a child, adopted and loved by an American family. While she is grateful for the family she loves and the life she has been given, she still feels this nagging feeling that something is missing. Determined to learn as much as she can about her past, Mia heads to China and tries to follow the path that led to her being placed in an orphanage and eventually adopted. As she seeks information, she soaks up Chinese history and culture, and she feels the officials are hiding something. They know more than they are telling her. Even more determined to discover the truth, she might have to find a different route to discover the truth. Will she be able to find her family? Is she ready for the truth? 

Chasing China is a fast paced, suspenseful story as Mia fights to learn the truth. It is heartbreaking to see the condition of the children in and out of the orphanage. I loved how Ms. Bratt truly captured the turmoil raging inside Mia as she wants to know her birth family and feeling she is betraying the family who has raised and loved her. The story also doesn’t shy away from the careless and yet prejudiced comments from Americans about an adopted Chinese child. Mia is truly an individual between two worlds, not fully feeling belonging to either. There were quite a few surprises in this story which led to a few tears falling as I closed the book. There are a lot of details about Chinese culture, the people and the orphanages which I appreciated. I truly felt as if I was there with Mia. I highly recommend Chasing China

Chasing China: A Daughter’s Quest for Truth is available in paperback and eBook. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Queens of Crime: five women, one murder case and a chance to prove themselves

The Queens of Crime by Marie Benedict is a story of four women fighting for a place in literature as they race to solve a murder. It’s London, 1930, five women crime writers band together to form a second society with the goal to prove they deserve to be recognized, the Queens of Crime are Dorothy L. Sayers, Agatha Christie, Nagio Marsh, Margery Allingham and Baroness Emma Orczy. How do they prove they are worthy of recognition? Solve the real life murder of May Daniels was a young English nurse who discovered during a trip to France with her friend, seemingly vanishing into thin air. When her body is discovered months later in nearby woods. There are so many questions and inconsistencies that the women know that someone is hiding something. As they get deeper into their investigation, the killer targets Dorothy Sayers with a dark secret from her past. 

The only Queen of Crime I am familiar with is Agatha Christie. I have heard of Dorothy L Sayers by name only. The other ladies I had not heard of. I was looking forward to a fictionalized story of a true story from Sayers’ life, especially her unique relationship with Agatha Christie as a professional “rival” and friend. Unfortunately, I struggled with this story. I had no interest in the murder investigation and the constant girl-power, “I can’t believe he thinks that” attitude was annoying. I was also surprised there was no author’s note at the end of the story giving some insight into the author’s inspiration or thoughts on the real women. Author’s notes are usually very insightful and add more to the story. It was disappointing not to see it there. By the end of the story, I felt I did not know more about these women. I do not recommend The Queens of Crime

The Queens of Crime is available in hardcover, eBook and audiobook

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Calm & Bright: can the miracle of Christmas bring this family back together?

Calm & Bright is the first book in the Huckleberry Lake series by Autumn Macarthur. Brad Hughes hopes for some Christmas magic as he hopes he can convince his ex-wife that he has changed and is ready to be the husband and father he needs to be. Maddie came home to Huckleberry Lake, Idaho to care for her ailing grandmother. She sent Brad the divorce papers as he was a workaholic city boy and she wanted to stay in her hometown community. As he comes for the holidays for their son, Jacob, he only needs to convince Maddie that he has changed. Will Maddie take that chance again? Will Brad’s career once again come between them? Will God help them heal their broken marriage and hearts for a deeper relationship and faith? 

The Huckleberry Lake series is advertised as stories of the trials and joys of love, deepening faith and living happily ever after. I expected a heartwarming, inspirational story of faith, hope and love. Right off the bat, I did not care for Maddie. I found her to be childish, self-centered and expected Brad to be a mind reader. She was unhappy with their marriage and living situation, understandable. Does she even attempt to tell him she was unhappy? Divorce was her first and only option? The lack of communication bothered me. Overall, I did not care for these characters or this story. I usually enjoy a good second chance romance, however, I did not enjoy Calm & Bright. I will not continue with this series. I do not recommend Calm & Bright

Calm & Bright is available in paperback and eBook

Friday, February 7, 2025

Away Game: a close forced proximity romance

Away Game is the first book in the Scotia Storms series by Cathryn Fox. Chase Adams is caught in a severe snowstorm on his way to the Scotia Academy. In a near accident, he discovers a stranded motorist and offers her a ride. Sawyer wanted to escape to sunny Florida where no one knows who she is or who she is related to. The snow ends those plans. Now Chase and Sawyer are snowed in together at a small town inn with no power and nothing to do. They know nothing about each other other than their first names. Sawyer finds Chase to be sweet and kind and so not the guys she’s used to being around. Dare she say she has started to fall in love? However, when the storm breaks, she learns that he is everything she has wanted to avoid. And little does Chase know that Sawyer has the power to destroy his future. 

I expected Away Game to be a nice close proximity romance with a bit of mystery and a little hockey. The only thing that I got was the close proximity romance. There is very little hockey; other than Chase being a player. And there is very little mystery for the readers. Right off the bat, this story gives a lot away to the readers, while the characters are in the dark; and leaves very little for the readers to discover. I understand why the characters did not want to reveal who they really were to each other; but why did the readers need to know why? I don’t think so. It would have been nice to be shocked as the characters were when they discovered the truth. The majority of the book is them stranded together and leaves very little time for the conflict and resolution. I did not care for Chase or Sawyer. Overall, I was disappointed in this story. I do not recommend Away Game

Away Game is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

One Way Back to Me: a second chance romance

One Way Back to Me is the first book in the Wilder Brothers series by Carrie Ann Ryan. The Wilder brothers have retired from the military and together, they recreate the Wilder Retreat and Winery outside of San Antonio, Texas. Eli is in desperate need of a wedding planner for the company and Alexis Lane is perfect for the job. However, there is a history between them. They shared a dance at a stranger’s wedding and the spark was instantaneous, but he never expected to see her again. While the spark is still there for them both, Alexis is a little more gun shy as her past relationship has left her jaded and wounded. As they work together, they fight their attraction until they can’t anymore. However, when her-ex comes back for her, Eli is determined to fight for her for good this time. 

Carrie Ann Ryan’s books are known for edgy and steamy romances. I looked forward to One Way Back to Me as I love military and ex-military romances. And I loved the idea of this story as a sort of second chance romance and I liked the characters. I loved the banter between the brothers and the sexual tension between Eli and Alexis. I even loved the setting up for the conflict with the villains of the story. However, there was too much of an information dump with backstories of each brother and their issues. I feel there was so much information upfront, there was nothing left to reveal as a plot twist or add to the mystery. I had high expectations for this romance and overall, I was disappointed and will not be continuing the series. If you are a fan of Carrie Ann Ryan, you may enjoy One Way Back to Me

One Way Back to Me is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook

Monday, February 3, 2025

The Snowbirds: a couple heads south for the winter and finds themselves at a crossroads

The Snowbirds by Christina Clancy is a story of a couple who flees the Midwest winter in Palm Springs and finds their relationship at a crossroads. For thirty years, Kim and Grant had a great “separate but together” partnership, raising their twin daughters together. However, when the realities of middle age have reared its ugly head, flying south for the winter seemed to be the perfect solution. Kim immediately feels at home at the Le Desert community while Grant struggles. When Grant goes missing while on a hike, Kim faces two possibilities: Grant is truly lost or he has finally left her. As the search for Grant proceeds, Kim searches their life together and asks the question what does it take to truly commit to someone for a lifetime. Will Grant be found? Is their life together over? 

In The Snowbirds, Ms. Clancy sets out to explore “the redemptive power of finding ourselves and being found” with “compassion and humor” starts out great and what it means to truly commit to someone. However, while the story started out great, as the story jumps into the search for Grant and flashbacks to their life together, it quickly falls flat as Kim and Grant are hard to relate to and even unlikeable, especially in the story’s flashbacks. It is hard for me to relate to the “separate but together” partnerships, which can happen in unmarried and married couples. Overall, I was bored. I didn’t really care for Kim and her search for Grant. While I may not be the right reader for this type of story, there are readers out there who might connect with the characters and their relationships. 

The Snowbirds will be available in hardcover, eBook and audiobook on February 4, 2025