Monday, January 10, 2022

The Winter Rose: a story of survival, forgiveness and reconciliation

The Winter Rose by Melanie Dobson is a story of survival and forgiveness. Grace Tonquin is an American Quaker who works tirelessly in Vichy France to rescue Jewish children from the Nazis. After crossing the treacherous Pyrenees, the children are sent to awaiting families except two. Elias and Marguerite Dupont lost their parents and no clear evidence of family waiting for them, Grace returns home to her family’s Oregon farm to care for them. Even though they are loved and cared for, the horrific experiences they had to endure would come back to haunt them, threatening to tear their family apart. Fifty years later, Addie Hoult arrives at Tonquin Lake looking for the family. It is a matter of life and death for her beloved mentor and father figure, Charlie, who is battling a genetic disease. Though Charlies refuses to discuss his relationship or ties to the Tonquin family, Addie knows that finding them is the only way to save his life. Could it also heal the wounds of the past? 

The Winter Rose is a beautiful story about a piece of history I didn’t know about and I’m sure many have not heard. It is a story to honor the effects of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker organization which in part of their wartime efforts, helped rescue thousands of Jewish children during World War II. Grace, as a member of this organization, risks life and limb for the chance that these children can have a chance at life. Ms. Dobson writes a detailed story with many mysteries, twists and turns.. It is a story about the bonds of family with faith and forgiveness. As more and more authors are bringing to light stories like the AFSC, we learn that many organizations, groups and people worked tirelessly and with no qualms about their own safety to help those who were under attack. I enjoyed Grace’s faith and even in her moments of fear, doubts and trouble, she turned to God for guidance and strength. I recommend The Winter Rose

The Winter Rose will be available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook on January 11th. 

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