Monday, June 12, 2023

The Heart Hopes: can differences be put aside for the truth?

The Heart Hopes is the second book in the Opposites Attract series by Lyn Cote. Patience is eager to begin her first official year teaching the first grade. She immediately recognizes that one little boy, Jackson, needs a little extra attention. Unfortunately, she is selected for jury duty when she hears a case prosecuted by Gil Montgomery, the “by the book” DA and Jackson’s father. Her not guilty vote results in a hung jury and she becomes the pariah of their small town. However, Patience was not convinced the accused was behind the crime. Despite his annoyance at the mistrial, and at Patience, Gil realizes that she is the key to helping his son. Can he put aside his preconceived notions to hear Patience out about his son and new evidence in the case? 

Oh where do I begin? The Heart Hopes started out strong, then it fell off the deep end. I loved that Patience saw a little boy on the verge of being labeled “the troublemaker,” a label that would follow him, leaving him floundering. Then she gets a jury summons. I find it very unlikely that a juror who has a connection to anyone involved with the case, especially the DA, would be allowed to stay on the jury. A halfway decent defense attorney would argue for her removal. And the judge allowing it after she makes their connection known was unbelievable! I tried so hard to enjoy this series; however, after the disappointment of the first book and then the unlikely plot of the second book, I will not be finishing this series. 

The Heart Hopes is available in eBook. 

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